l'Association Compass Foundation

l'Association Compass Foundation

A propos de l'organisation

Nous nous soucions de l’intégration des demandeurs d’asile ukrainiens et les aidons à se remettre sur pied, à reprendre confiance en eux, à croire en eux et à commencer une nouvelle vie.
Notre plus grande attention est portée aux
groupes vulnérables de la population, à savoir les
femmes et les enfants.

Our activities are aimed at helping Ukrainian asylum seekers who fled to Switzerland.
We take care of their integration and help them get back on their feet, gain confidence, believe in themselves and start a new life. Our greatest attention is directed to vulnerable groups of the population, namely women and children.
We have created language courses for children and adults,
educational and creative activities for children,
dance courses for children and adults,
psychological support for women and children,
seminars on legal support, Swiss legislation and job search.
We are lucky to have a team of like-minded people, these are our Association members and volunteers who tirelessly contribute to the implementation of projects.
We see this passion and dedication make a significant difference in the lives of the people we serve.



Personne(s) de contact: 

Halyna Zhukova
Halyna Zhukova 



tenue de travail
Evénement de remerciement
facilement accessible par les transports publiques
Utilisation de l'infrastructure
Remboursements des frais
Formation continue